Hemorrhoids can occur both inside the rectum and outside the anus. External hemorrhoids can be painful, more so than the internal variety, but both types can be prevented and treated by applying the following tips. This article provides many ways to cope with hemorrhoids and make it so they do not have that big of an effect on your daily life.
If you’re looking to a long-term solution to your hemorrhoids, try adding more fiber to your diet. Try eating foods that are rich in fiber such as green leafy veggies, pastas and breads made of whole grains and oatmeal. A diet high in fiber will improve bowel motility, which means you’re less likely to suffer the kind of strain that can cause hemorrhoids.
Keeping the area clean is of the utmost importance if you suffer from hemorrhoids. Moist towelettes are more effective and more comfortable that paper for proper cleansing. Also, try taking a hot sitz bath if the pain or swelling gets especially bad. Try to soak for around 20 minutes.
Wheat bread is wonderful for your digestion, and can also improve hemorrhoids. As an added benefit, whole wheat will also help to reduce general skin irritation. Make the choice of healthy, high fiber, whole grain bread for your next sandwich.
Many hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting sphincter muscles, causing chronic irritation. Due to this, if you have a recurring problems with hemorrhoids, be aware of what you do daily that stresses these areas.
The main cause of the majority of hemorrhoids is an over-extension of the sphincter’s muscles and those surrounding it. This is why, if you repeatedly have hemorrhoids, you should not exert too much force in daily life.
Some treatments include ingesting plenty of fiber, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and applying topical creams. Apply the methods you read here to reduce the chance of hemorrhoid flare-ups.